Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sunshine Everywhere

Lately, things have been hard. I'm not quite sure why, but I have been in a funk that I can't quite get out of. Maybe I'm just exhausted from school. Maybe I'm just sick and tired of school. Maybe being in Rexburg this long is bad for me (actually, that is probably the reason) Maybe I just need a break from life (hello cruise for our honeymoon- get here already!) Whatever the reason(s) are I just know that I can't stand being this miserable (poor Joe has to put up with this all the time). 
Two weeks ago I gave a talk in church and in it I included a quote I've been thinking a lot about lately...  It really has helped change my attitude, enjoy!
“Despair, Doom, and Discouragement are not acceptable views of life for a Latter- Day Saint…we must not walk on our lower lip every time a few difficult moments happen to confront us..I reassure you that things have been worse and they will always get better.  They always do- especially when we live and love the gospel of Jesus Christ and give it a chance to flourish in our lives.” - Howard W. Hunter
Way to be Howard, way to be.  Couldn't have said it better myself :) Joe and I are going to Utah this weekend to meet with our wedding planner! Whoo-hoo! So excited to plan and get everything squared away and to get the freak out of Rexburg! 84 more days!

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