Hi, my name is Laurin Leiser I am a wife, a mom, and I used to work at Disney World. I feel awkward and weird about my blog, it kind of has that feeling I would get on the first day of school when the teacher would waste time and have EVERYONE stand up and say their name and an interesting fact about themselves. My go to was that I used to work at Disney. I thought it was so cool because not a lot of people can say that and it made me stand out…? Who knows. I've made a lot of changes around here and I am absolutely loving the new design. A big thank you to Judith Kester for putting up with my constant emails and the countless times I've changed my mind. You should stop by and check out her adorable blog.
I've been thinking a lot about what direction I want to take my blog and the one thought that kept popping into my mind was how I wanted it to be real. I, like so many other girls, follow blogs that are filled with stylish clothing, designer handbags, and outrageous homes. That might be their reality but it isn't mine, and I know it isn't the reality for a lot of young women my age and sometimes that is a hard pill to swallow. Of course I want all those fabulous valentino heals and the perfectly tousled hair, oh and the photographer that follows them around, but I don't and that's okay. I want to document my life how I see it; somedays {almost} everything goes as planned and other days I am in sweats covered in spit up trying to soothe a unconsolable baby who isn't happy being held or set down. This is my reality and as hard as some days are I have come to love this new life I am living. I am in no way perfect at being a mom, but I love my daughter and I love being a mom and a wife.
Honestly, I've been a little lost and have struggled with who I am now that I am a mom. Even if no one looks at this blog, I think this will give me an outlet to figure out my new, crazy life and hopefully feel a little more like myself. Hopefully.
Here's to new beginnings and new adventures. Stay a while and take part in a little piece of my crazy world.
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